
NSS CA1 Answers

Shri Tech1404 Q1 Describes aims of NSS activity & classification of NSS Program Aims of NSS Programmes/Activities 1.4 The operational aim of NSS is to integrate the three basic components of the programme. NSS programme should provide a variety of learning experiences which must develop a sense of participation, service and achievement among the volunteers. The activities should aim at the following:- (i) making education more relevant to the present situation to meet the felt needs of the community and supplement the education of the university/college students by bringing them face to face with the rural situation; (ii) Providing opportunities to the students to play their role in planning and executing development projects which would not only help in creating durable community assets in rural areas and urban slums but also results in the improvement of quality of life of the economically and socially weaker sections of the community; (iii) Encouraging students and non...

Download Book Practical Machine Learning with Python

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BC Mid Sem Ans

Shri Tech1404 BEST OF LUCK...!! Q2 A. Annotate corporate communication in Business Communication. ==>      Corporate communications  refers to the way in which businesses and organizations communicate with internal and external various audiences. These audiences commonly include: Customers and potential customers Employees Key stakeholders (such as the C-Suite and investors) The media and general public Government agencies and other third-party regulators Corporate communications can take many forms depending on the audience that is being addressed. Ultimately, an organization’s communication strategy will typically consist of written word (internal and external reports, advertisements, website copy, promotional materials, email, memos, press releases), spoken word (meetings, press conferences, interviews, video), and non-spoken communication (photographs, illustrations, infographics, general branding). The Functions of a Communications Department In most organiza...

Build Linear Regression for Diabetes

Download iPython Notebook Must See this SVM Model : Build a Digit Recognition Model using (SVC)Support Vector Machine Classifier Thanks For Visiting By Er Shrikant Shejwal

Build a Digit Recognition Model using (SVC)Support Vector Machine Classifier

Download iPython Notebook What is Support Vector Machine? The objective of the support vector machine algorithm is to find a hyperplane in an N-dimensional space(N — the number of features) that distinctly classifies the data points. Possible hyperplanes To separate the two classes of data points, there are many possible hyperplanes that could be chosen. Our objective is to find a plane that has the maximum margin, i.e the maximum distance between data points of both classes. Maximizing the margin distance provides some reinforcement so that future data points can be classified with more confidence. Hyperplanes and Support Vectors Hyperplanes in 2D and 3D feature space Hyperplanes are decision boundaries that help classify the data points. Data points falling on either side of the hyperplane can be attributed to different classes. Also, the dimension of the hyperplane depends upon the number of features. If the number of input features is 2, then the hyperplane is just a line. If the n...

Database Introduction and Relational Database ppt Notes

Module 01 - Introduction to DBMS Module 02  -Levels of Abstraction  -Schema & Instance  -Data Model  - DDL & DML  -SQL  -Database Disign Module 03 -Database Disign -OO Relational Model -XML -Database Engine -Database User and Administrators -Database Internals & Architecture -History of DBMS Module 04 -Attribute Types -Relational Schema and Instance -Keys -Relational Query Languages Module 05 -Operations 1.Select 2.Project 3.Union 4.Differance 5.Intersaction 6.Cartesian Product 7.Natural Join -Aggregate Operations

Matrix in R Programming

Matrix in R Matrices are the R objects in which the elements are arranged in a two-dimensional rectangular layout. They contain elements of the same atomic types. Though we can create a matrix containing only characters or only logical values, they are not of much use. We use matrices containing numeric elements to be used in mathematical calculations. A Matrix is created using the  matrix()  function. Syntax The basic syntax for creating a matrix in R is − matrix(data, nrow, ncol, byrow, dimnames) Following is the description of the parameters used − ·       data  is the input vector which becomes the data elements of the matrix. ·       nrow  is the number of rows to be created. ·       ncol  is the number of columns to be created. ·       byrow  is a logical clue. If TRUE then the input vector elements are arranged by row. ·  ...